- A breeze has sprung up. 微风已开始吹拂。
- A soft breeze has sprung up. 起了一阵和风。
- The evening breeze had sprung up, and though it was well warded off by the hill with the two peaks upon the east, the cordage had begun to sing a little softly to itself and the idle sails to rattle to and fro. 晚风已起,尽管被东边那两座山峰挡着,仍吹得船上的索具呜呜作响,低垂的风帆也噼里啪啦地来回晃动。
- Something rather odd has sprung up. 发生了一桩相当奇怪的事。
- A great number of houses have sprung up everywhere. 到处都新建了许多屋宇。
- Towns have sprung up in what was a dry desert. 一些城镇在曾经是干旱沙漠的地方出现了。
- A great number of factories have sprung up in the countryside. 在农村新建了许多工厂。
- A breeze sprang up as we were returning. 我们回来时突然起了一阵轻风。
- Towns had sprung up in what was a dry desert. 干旱的沙漠上冒出了一座座城市。
- In the past few years, new buildings have sprung up all over Beijing. 过去几年中,北京到处都盖起了新楼房。
- Your children have sprung up now. 你的孩子现在都长大了。
- Many new factories have sprung up in my hometown. 我的家乡新建了许多工厂。
- Many new factories have sprung up in my home town. 我的家乡建了许多工厂。
- A strong love has sprung up between the minstrel and the king. 于是吟游诗人与国王之间就产生了深厚的感情。
- Perhaps a shower has moistened the mind,and perhaps a breeze has blowed the heart. 也许一阵 雨来滋润了心灵,也许刮起风吹乱了寸心。
- Soon a breeze sprang up, and the black ship sailed away. 不久,微风徐起,黑船驶走了。
- I don't know why such new gifted people have sprung up in my life. 我不知道怎么回事,在我的周围一下子涌现了那么多有才华的新人。
- A dozen new towns have sprung up in these mountainous areas. 在这些山区,出现了10来个城镇。
- Many millionaires have sprung up in the last ten years. 过去的十年里,雨后春笋般冒出了许多百万富翁。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。